Thai-style Ramen Soup Recipe

Thai-style Ramen Soup Recipe 

An extraordinary ramen soup formula to attempt !

 Fixings :

* 3/4 cups water shopping list
 * 1/2 can (approx. 3/4 cup) coconut milk (light or standard) shopping list
 * 2 tbsp sugar shopping list
 * 2 tbsp soy sauce shopping list
 * 1 tsp (red chicken or tapatio) hot bean stew sauce shopping list
 * 1 bundle TOP RAMEN, any flavor (chicken, oriental, or bean stew R best) shopping list
 * 4 new MUSHROOOMS cut or 1 can straw mushrooms shopping list *
*cooked chicken (extras or canned) cut into reduced down pieces shopping list
 * 1/2 new lime shopping list
 * New cilantro to taste shopping list


 * Pour the water and coconut milk into a pot and put on medium high hotness. Add the Ramen enhancing bundle, sugar, soy sauce and stew sauce. Mix to mix. Add Ramen noodles. As the fluid bubbles, add the mushrooms and cooked chicken. Allow it to cook until the noodles are done (around three mintues). Fit the juice of the lime into the blend and topping with new cilantro. The ramen soup formula is prepared to eat! Partake in the ramen soup. Cool. Partake in the Thai-style Ramen Soup Recipe !!!

Thai-style Ramen Soup Recipe Video :